Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What the Hell is this Blog About?

I was talking to friends today at the skating rink and told them I had worked all weekend on making a blog. After explaining what a blog was, C. asked me what my blog was about. Good damn question. I don't know the answer - but I think I better develop an answer or this will be the most boring blog in the universe. I've had some ideas - concentrate on detailing the life of unschoolers (but what if the ICSD bureaucrats get a hold of it - my reports will be shown to be the exercise in creative writing that they are). I could write down the political rants that I bore my children with almost every day. I could take pictures of my knitting projects, but everyone does that! I could just post pictures of my gorgeous children.

The tricky thing about blogs is that they are public - although the chances of someone winding up on my blog are miniscule, it is theoretically possible. So one has to censor oneself. I really should cut down on my swearing, as my children read it. As if they don't hear enough foulness coming out of me when I'm driving.

Well, I'll ponder this question a while longer.

1 comment:

Dave S. said...

The great thing about blogs is they can be about whatever you want. I personally think there is plenty of room for knitting pictures and political rants. I do not knit and you have seen JJV's rants on our blog, to which you have so kindly linked, so there is plenty of room for both.

The challenge for me is actually finding time to blog, given that the computer is in our bedroom where Bryan also sleeps, not to mention our fairly-full schedules. I should blog about that but start again from the top of the paragraph.