Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday Madness

OK, generally speaking, I'm glad that the forces to be in the universe came together to give me three very beautiful boys. I'm not sure I would have known what to do with girls, being a tomboy from way back. I'm better with basketballs than I am with braids, I'm better with knock down drag out methods of solving disputes than I am with mind games, I'm better with sweat pants and t-shirts than I am with high fashion. Even so... It is at times like this, in the week before Christmas, when my normally very high energy boys kick it up into unimaginable levels of activity and frenzy and testerone fueled excitement, that I can see the advantage of girls. Maybe it's just a matter of the grass always being greener, but I can imagine a house full of girls helping me to clean up for the incoming relatives, rather than vandalizing my vacuum cleaner in order to use the attachments as weapons. I can see girls putting their energy towards baking cookies and designing and coloring homemade placemats for the big Christmas meal, rather than what my boys are doing right now, which is throwing all their clothes out of their drawers in a manic search for black everything for their ninja costumes so they can run around outside in the dark screaming and beating each other with the aforementioned vacuum parts. I know other mothers with all boys and with the exception of my mother-in-law, Ma Gelber, who had 9 sons, we all have that slightly panicked look in our eye that tells you we realize there is not even the illusion of control in our lives anymore. It's true what all those old ladies in the supermarket said to me when I had three boys under the age of 4 falling in and out of my grocery cart - I am a saint!

Picture Caption: A Christmas Day's Walk


Dave S. said...

I'm not sure you would be completely off the hook. Fiona is getting very wound up about Christmas and bounces around a lot while screeching, although when she settles down she does help with Christmas cards and such. I was also at a holiday brunch last weekend with Fiona and several of her friends - all girls but one - and it was not exactly sedate. Still, it has to be better than three boys.

RET said...

Well, not better exactly, but definitely different. The screeching is not easy to take either! I tried hard in my early parenting to not make gender based assumptions, but reality has shown me otherwise. Although I was definitely a girl who preferred to wield a stick. Just ask my brother!

RET said...
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areeee said...

and you say were not to hit each other with sticks....SHAME ON YOU!!!!

what kind of a exemple are you showing.