Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christians Beware! You are being conspired against!

Gotta love the comments expressed at the end of this article in the Ithaca Journal.

My number 1 worry at this time of the year is being greeted with Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Jayzus. Don't these right wing nut jobs have anything better to do than make up delusional conspiracies against Christians? The poor Christians. Isn't being able to go to any country and declare war and remove leaders and kill thousands of innocent civilians in the name of Jesus good enough for them? I love the reference to the left wing media. The Ithaca Journal is such a poor excuse for journalism that I don't think they could put together a consistent bias if they tried - they're too busy trying to figure out how to use the spell checker.


Anonymous said...

Well, Ann Coulter said we should invade their countries and convert them by the sword, but I am unaware of anyone else taking that view. However, it might have worked out better. It is one thing if the country is dechristianzed by choice but we right-wingers believe it is being done by courts and cultural political correctness. It is not a conspiracy but a weltanshuang.

Dave S. said...

The answer to your questions is No.

And isn't Rocket a Weltanshuang?

Dave S. said...

Now that I can post comments here I will do so with abandon.

Having just read the story and accompanying comments, these questions come to mind:

1) What is the connection between Hanukkah and West Side Story? Eight crazy knife-fights?

2) Does the un-"watered-down" version of Christmas include the Slaughter of the Innocents to close out the Living Nativity? I realize there isn't much in the way of entertainment up there, but really...

RET said...

We know the reason the conservative hordes feel the need to spew Merry Christmas unto the faces of all they meet is because their souls (and other flabby parts of their anatomy) are so tightly clenched that they can't simply be nice and considerate of the fact that not everybody is exactly like them. Although I believe somewhere that there might be a commandment (perhaps it is only a suggestion?) to love their neighbor.